Yearly Archives: 2015
Infectious tracheobronchitis (‘kennel cough’)
Infectious tracheobronchitis (‘kennel cough’) Infectious tracheobronchitis (also known as kennel cough) is a social disease that can be spread anywhere that dogs meet: in parks, at training not just in kennels! It is more common in the summer months when people are out more with their dogs and going on holiday. It is important that […]
Ear Disease
Ear Disease Ear disease encompasses a wide variety of disorders with the most frequent being disease of the external or outer ear. External ear disease is a lot more widespread in dogs than cats and is a complex disease, which is often the result of underlying causes. Certain breeds of dogs such as German Shepherds, […]
The care and treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs and cats
The care and treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs and cats What is osteoarthritis (arthritis)? Osteoarthritis is a long term degenerative disease seen in both humans and animals that affects the joints and can restrict their range of movement. It is a painful condition and, generally, more evident in dogs than cats. While more commonly associated with […]
More news from Michael and the team
More news from Michael and the team Summer is here – but where’s our parking? Summer is bearing down on us again, with the longer evenings and warmer days an pleasurable change, especially for those of us who walk our dogs in the early morning. It is the time to check that flea and worming […]
Wet and windy at the Wokingham Winter Carnival
Wet and windy at the Wokingham Winter Carnival Once again this year we hosted a stand at the Wokingham Winter Carnival. While we met many pet owners interested in our practice, the main goal was to raise money for the National Animal Welfare Trust, in particular for Trindledown Farm Retirement Centre for Elderly Animals. Trindledown […]
Michael to compete in a half Ironman triathlon for charity
Michael to compete in a half Ironman triathlon for charity Michael is planning to compete in a half Ironman triathlon in June to raise money, primarily for the Leukaemia Research Fund. This challenging race involves a 1.2 mile swim, a 56 mile bike and a 13 mile run. Please support his efforts and help raise […]
Parking Bays
Parking Bays We waited long enough but the result is worth it. We have succeeded with a petition started in September 2005 to lift the waiting restrictions outside the practice and now have three 30min bays and a disabled bay directly in front of St Vincents. The improvement in accessibility for all of our clients […]
Ironman Michael!
Ironman Michael! Michael has done it – he completed the Half Ironman UK event on the 17th June in Exmoor in a highly respectable time of 6h17min. The event consisted of a 1.2mile swim, 56 mile bike and a 13.1mile run taking in the scenic and very hilly countryside surrounding Wimbleball Lake. Not only did […]
Barney the wonder dog
Barney the wonder dog Barney is a 12.5 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier who has suffered from severe epilepsy for many years. Although on a combination of treatments it is not uncommon for him to fit as often as weekly. Despite this Barney has recently survived an ordeal that would have spelled the end for […]
Q & A: Rabbit diseases, thirsty cats and traveling overseas with your dog
Q & A: Rabbit diseases, thirsty cats and traveling overseas with your dog Please remember that the advice given here is of a general nature, and if you have any concerns about your pet’s health you should contact your vet immediately. Q: I own two rabbits and have heard that they are at risk of […]